Pimp My Playset

Pmp Molding & Casting co.

Custom toy, diorama, aqua/terra decor, tabletop gaming terrain and accessories.  Complimenting collections all over the world!


Always popular, impact craters! high quality, ultra durable, highly custom detailed, professional resin. These rock textured impact craters make any figure, model, or miniature pop!  These impact craters come freshly poured, unpainted in three colours, clear, white and tan, for all season displays, AND in two sizes!

Showing 1–4 of 29 results


Hot off the press! Coaster stands. Coaster sized, high quality, ultra durable, highly custom detailed, professional resin. These slate rock textured bases make any figure, model, or miniature pop! Small raised details are sculpted around the perimeter so, YES! They can also be used as beverage coasters. These coaster bases come freshly poured, unpainted in three colours, clear, white and tan, for all season displays.

Complementing, not competing.


 Pmp wants to compliment your collection. Providing custom, hand made, dioramas, accessories, and tabletop gaming sets that no one else does!

Making all of your third party accessories for gaming, hobbies, and collections pop!

Thrift store rescues pimped to perfection! Projects streamed regularly, come see what can be made with our greeblie mold products!

I make custom batches of accessories that are rarely made, and some common ones, with my spin on them. Top quality parts, made of top quality resins, putting the cherry on top of your display!

Quality clothing. Art or shop tees, hats, and even flip flops! All found at Not Cho Tees! My custom tee shirt shop!

Ever growing selection of quality silicone hobby molds, to pimp out your art and craft projects.

Custom designed and made figure accessories and terrain. Complementing collections worldwide!

Small run specialty items. Numbered only to twelve. Thirteen is the maker’s.

Daily use items and art for any space.

Find all of our custom accessories here!

Custom one off ideas and projects, of all kinds, really!

Check out the pimped thrift store items, all custom made and for sale!